
CableCam: Camera Slider
The CableCam is a personal project consisting in making a system able to move, orient and stabilize a Camera along a cable. The aim is to grab landscapes videos, such as time lapses, or from above a crowd without any risk for people. For that,...

Magnetic Encoders Shields
In BLDC Motors area, it is often easier to buy Sensorless motors (cost, availability), but a lot of robotic applications need sensored motors to allow a high torque for low speeds. Most of sensored BLDC motors are made of three hall-effect sensors, reasons why several...

The micromouse is the final project for the Microcontrollers course from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. It consists in design and build a mini-robot able to solve a maze without any external communication, using a Freescale microcontroller. Each team has to design the mechanic, the...

Industrial Drawing Robot
This project is my Industrial Robotics Fundamentals class final project, from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The aim is to automatically extracts trajectories from an image with a Python algorithm and the OpenCV Library in order to create a RAPID program understandable by an ABB...

CERES Agrobot Motion Control
The Research Group GIDAM from the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada (Colombia) joined by the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, builds the Agrobot CERES, which is an experimental Autonomous Robot for Precision Agriculture. When finished, it should be able to self-detect weeds or needs in a crop...

Pololu Optical Encoder Filter
The company Pololu specialized in selling robotic items, offers the Optical Encoder Pololu-2590 which allows to measure the angular position of a N20 type mini-motor shaft. The problem is that the outputs signals aren’t squared from 0V to 5V as they should be, but sinusoidal...

2 DOF CNC Machine
The Servomechanism course final project from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá) consists in designing and making a 2 DOF CNC Machine, able to draw a 15x15cm trefoil. The project gathers all areas of Mechatronic Engineering: mechanic, electronic, programming, automation, communication, sensors, motion control. The...

LED Cube 5×5
The 5×5 LED Cube was a project for the Data Structure course from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. We were asked to make a project relating Arduino and data structures. The challenge with this project was to control the 125 LED’s from an Arduino Nano....

UltraViolet Exposure Box
The UltraViolet Exposure Box is a personal project, which goal is to build a machine used in the PCB fabrication process. It consists in a box emitting UV rays on to a board in order to alter a superficial protection layer. The system is made...

3-Phase BLDC Inverter
Each year, the team MASH Angers participates in the Shell Eco Marathon competition, which consists in building an energetically efficient electric car. In this project I was responsible for the electronic from 2015 to 2017. During these two years, I designed a 3-Phase Inverter for...

Boule de Fort International Universitary Contest Trophy
In 2017, the City of Angers (France), organized the Boule de Fort Internation Universitary Contest. The Boule de Fort is a traditional game in the region of Angers. The city made me responsible for making the contest trophy.

Pendents Serial Production
Each year, the Students of first year at the ENSAM design and make a customized pendent for each student of second year. In 2016, I chose to be responsible for making it. The project consisted in designing the pendants as well as the production process,...

Mini Organic-Drone
The Mini Organic-Drone is a project I made in order to practice FPV-Racing, which consists in piloting the drone using a Mask in which an onboard camera-view is displayed in real-time. Moreover, its small size allow to transport it in a bag, and grab video...

Hydraulic Cylinder Test Bed
The Hydraulic Cylinder Test Bed is my Preparatory Class final project, consisting in transforming a hydraulic injection moulding machine into a test bed for hydraulic cylinders. For that, we first designed the test protocol in order to determine automatically with accuracy the presence and position...

SUMO Robot
The SUMO Robot is a project I designed, in order to initiate youngest people to robotic. It consists in a robot, made up of a simple mechanical structure, an Arduino Nano, an optical color sensor, an ultrasound distance sensor, and two servomotors. The objective was...

Camera Gimbal
This project is one of my preparatory class project. The Camera Gimbal is a mechatronical structure that permits to stabilize an embedded camera on a drone. The system is equipped with an IMU to measure the orientation of the camera, and 3 BLDC motors allow...

The Organic-Drone is my secondary school Engineering course final project. It’s a multi-functional drone, able to produce a building thermography, aerial footage or convey loads. The whole mechanic has been designed and fabricated while the electronic has been based on a MultiWii controller, analyzed and...

Electric Scale Car
I participated in the French contest Course en Cours, leading the team ‘Etoile Filante 1’, in homage to the Renault historic car. This project consists in forming a mini motor-sports team, including building an electric scale car and a stand. Moreover, teams have to develop ...